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Ibiza by Boat: My Unexpected Love Affair with Sailing

I’ll admit it: I was never a big fan of boats. The thought of getting seasick kept me from taking a boat trip for far too long. But one trip changed my mind!

When I finally took the plunge and stepped aboard a sailboat, I realized what I had been missing all those years. The gentle breeze, the sparkling water, and the endless horizon—it was simply magical. I immediately fell in love with the feeling of freedom and adventure.

And the best part? Seeing Ibiza from the water is a completely different experience. While boat trips in general offer unique perspectives of the coastline, sailing allowed me to truly connect with the elements and appreciate the island’s natural beauty.

We discovered secluded coves and beaches that are only accessible by boat, each one more beautiful than the last. The feeling of having these hidden paradises all to ourselves was truly special. But the most unforgettable experience was sailing to Espalmador, an island with the most pristine beach I’ve ever seen. Its powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters were simply breathtaking, and I wouldn’t have discovered this paradise without the boat trip.

As we sailed past Es Vedrà, that mystical rock island rising from the water, I felt like I was in another world. And as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the island, I knew I had found a new appreciation for Ibiza. The sight of Es Vedrà silhouetted against the fiery sky was simply breathtaking.

But the highlight of my tour was undoubtedly the encounter with a group of dolphins swimming alongside our boat. It was an unforgettable moment that showed me how amazing nature is.

What are you waiting for?
Come aboard and experience the magic of Ibiza from the water!
If you truly want to experience Ibiza, I highly recommend taking a boat trip. Whether you're an experienced sailor or, like me, a former landlubber, I'm sure you won't regret it. And who knows, you might even discover your unexpected love for sailing!





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